Thursday, 23 May 2013

Sharing Khef

I wrote this in an email to a friend and it's as good a window into my thoughts and feelings as I've been able to express so far. -

I just want to make and sell films. The main way I want to do this is by periodically releasing very short, but intriguing films and charging a small amount for the newest one, so the rest build interest. In other words, I won't release the first until I have a second in the bag to sell. I can give the first away, or sell merchandise at festivals to bring attention to the one behind the pay wall. Otherwise, I'd like to attach it to a magazine, newspaper or comic, since a monthly comic is what it's closest to in terms of pace. One 'scene' per episode, with a bit of a cliff-hanger. Think of the way Watchmen is broken up for example, and was originally released as a serial alongside other stories.
I don't know which of these, if any, will pan out, but even if they don't I will have made a new film, which is my goal more than anything else to begin with.

There's no losing along this road, and there's space for the romanticism that keeps me going.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Episode One: Progress Chart

Well it's taken a couple of weeks to put in the last little X. These things end up meaning a lot to you by the end of production, if they survive the initial urge to set them on fire.