Monday, 7 December 2015

Don't Be Alien

My first published book is available now on iBooks!

This all started when I tweeted someone called Crystal Mahey Morgan after she just killed it on Front Row, which is a British arts discussion show on the radio.

Crystal replied! And even better, hinted there might be something for an animator further down the road. Later, this led to an offer to make an animation for one of her companies flagship products, an ebook featuring music and animation called Don't Be Alien.

It's been a huge pleasure to work on this. Throughout the whole process a great deal of trust and respect has flowed both ways, and I hope I can work with everyone on the team again soon.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015


I'm back from my longest gap away in a long time. I'm currently working on an animated book called Don't Be Alien, and I'll be posting about that in the next month or two. Also, it feels really good to draw something that makes no sense for no reason:

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Hogfather - the Animatic

I finally finished this personal project as a learning experience for making storyboards. Time to start another.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015


It's Sage! I've been working on stuff for my portfolio, and I thought I'd finally use my ever present art victim. I also grabbed the chance to practice using masks, which have made using textured brushes much more satisfying.

Sunday, 5 April 2015


This is a portrait drawn from life of Sanba, our transport from our time on Jeju. I started with a rough sketch, then finished with a mechanical pencil and coloured in photoshop. We explored the whole island on her in every kind of weather imaginable. We miss you old girl!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015


It's my other main character, Rusty. Rusty was bred for breeding, and as such is a little confused about his identity. Never mind, his terrifying wolf god of dogs will give him all the guidance he needs...

Friday, 23 January 2015

Run Cycle

This is my first try at making something in TVPaint. It was incredibly fun to use! This is Gillian, the main character of my series Far From Home. A scene from the first episode is in my showreel at -