Thursday, 31 December 2009

11secondclub December Entry

This is the entry as I posted it on
I received lots of comments, all of them thoughtful, most of them urging me to finish. I'm copying them below. I want to highlight how the 11secondclub is the absolute best way to get considerate judgement of your work outside of college.

Mark Bogdanoff:

Love the ending.

Adam Roades:

It looked like a good start, would have loved to see the performance of the second character.

Andre Mercier:

I could rate this much higher if more than half the audio was animated. Good start though.

Bazooka Joe:

I don't get it. Unfinished...

Patrick O'Brien:

I like the animation on the first character but don't forget to animate the second character since he's just as important as your first character. Cool transformation too!

Jared Mikasa:

You seem to be a skilled draftsman, but I'm just not feeling this. A long time goes by without any animation, and the ending is just too random. Maybe this month you can reserve more time for a completed entry, I'm sure you're capable of a great scene.

Serg B.:

Animation isn't finished

Ryan Hayford:

the character design is nice, but there is no animation on the the secondary character (who has most of the dialogue in this scene) and the end is just confusing.

Zack Mark:

A character should not need to point to his eye to show that he can see something. In the same vein, a character should not need to transform into an inhuman monster to get that point across, either.

Tom Maples: movement for the second speaking character? That single frame that lasts the entire second character's dialogue ruins the whole flow sorry, the transformation at the end is great but doesn't bring it back i'm afraid...

Beatrice Matis:

It would be really good, if it would be finished.


Great drawing at the beginning. It is just a shame you (appear to have) run out of time. I am not sure that I understand where you were going with this.

Benjamin Courtin:

nice drawings but what happened to the rest of the animation? Did your sketch book get eaten by your dog?

Romain Digonnet:

nice idea, it's a shame it's not finished.

Marcus Tee:

Would love to see it fully fleshed out.


I like the character with the flag and the end is crazy. It looks like it needs a lot more work though, half of the animation is just one drawing.


Funny concept but the lip sync on "day" needs at least another open mouth drawing. Currently reads as "I said 'good dee!'"

Robert Holmen:

nice drawing although this concept seems to have gotten only half done.

The morph at the end is too chaotic to follow.

1 comment:

Deanna Dence said...

Oooo when I get my cintiq I should try applying for this site and work on stuff!!!! I'm so excited to animate again~